Wednesday 24 June 2009

Yeah! Yeah!

Hooray! hooray!!! I finished 3 of my prints--- my Gold edition. And had a brief start on the 4th one...

But the not very nice thing is the weather. It's extremely windy today and rain. Extremely cold, the house is under construction, so there are windows and doors open all the time. By the way, houses in SA do not have central-heating, mainly fire place or portable heater. Some fancy houses have floor heating. But I think it's not very good for the environment.

I wore glove to paint today, never imagine that I will need to wear glove in Africa ;) and had a cup of hot tea, made with love by someone special... ^__^ V

It's getting late and the wind is still blowing hard, sometimes I felt that the roof will be blow down by the wind. Can you imagine the wind blow through the roof tiles and make alot of noise like what you see on cartoon. Tiles fly up and goes down every time the wind blows. Hmm... not that dramatic, I supposed!! Just enough to make my imagination runs wild.

Rain, windy 10 °C - 14.5 °C

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