Friday 3 July 2009

Content Day

Busy, Busy, Busy... I were a busy bee today. Went to the framer, the paper shop, the printer and I got a present for my love one. I hope that it was a good pick! I didn't see my friends today, went out the whole morning and afternoon. Luckily I have their photos, enjoy!!!

Met a very nice lady at the paper shop, she likes my hand-painted prints and I got some very nice scrap paper for free! ^.^V It's always good to meet new people. Talking about good people, today we found out that our friends have sold their shop. It's a mix emotion for us, we were happy for them that they finally found a buyer and sad that we will see them less. We are quite certain that the atmosphere of the shop will be different. We will have to wait and see.

I am very tempted to open an etsy account today, but I didn't do it in the end because I think that I should have some "stocks" first. Hope to grow few more hands so that I could have all the things done in the same time....

Okay, now about the weather. Bad! Bad! Bad! @~@lll Grey and rainy and COLD! Hopefully we will have a better one tomorrow. Have a nice weekend everyone!!!

Rain, wind 9 °C - 14 °C

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